- 9 Sep, 2023
- By chand.v
Before 30th August, 1986 i.e. prior to the take over of the management of Shrine by the Board, the track was pot-holed, kutcha and littered with loosely laid stones. After the take over the entire track has been re-laid, widened, made pucca and tiled. Sharp gradients have been improved and made gentler at many stretches. A large number of parapets have been constructed and railings have been provided. More than 5 Kms of the track has been covered with rain shelters to protect the pilgrims against the vagaries of weather.
Earlier there was hardly any illumination / lighting on the track which now glitters with more than 1200 High Pressure Sodium Vapour Lamps. In order to ensure availability of potable water to the visiting devotees, 120 water points and about 20 water coolers have been installed enroute the track from Banganga to Bhawan. Prior to take over there was hardly any sanitary arrangements on the track. However, now about 600 latrine seats with modern flushing system have been provided along the track and Bhawan.