- 9 Sep, 2023
- By chand.v
Offerings towards the Shrine can be made either in cash or through demand drafts or cheques. Various counters have been set up by the Shrine Board, so as to facilitate the pilgrims to make donations. These counters are available at Bhawan, Sanjichhat, Adkuwari, Enquiry and Reservation section at Niharika, Katra and also at the Central Office of the Shrine Board at Katra. All these donation counters are fully computerized and are manned by trained staff of the Shrine Board. Computerized donation receipts bearing the First photograph of the Gold Ornamentation of Holy Pindies are issued to the devotees who make an offering or donation at these counters. These donation receipts can be preserved as a souvenir by the devotees. It also enables the devotees to clam Income Tax exemption on the donations made by them towards the Shrine. The details of these counters are given below :
1. Three Donation Counters at Bhawan
2. One Donation Counter at Sanjichatt
3. One Donation Counter at Adhkuwari
4. One Donation Counter at Enquiry & Reservation Office, Niharika Complex, Katra
5. One Donation Counter at Central Office of Shrine Board, Katra
Donations in cash can also be dropped in the various danpatras located both inside and outside the Holy Cave, but in that case the devotee is unable to get a donation receipt. More than 100 danpatras have been placed at various locations at Katra, en-route and at the Holy Bhawan. These boxes are regularly opened and counting of the contents is organized under careful watch of the senior functionaries of the Board.
Donations towards Shri Mata Vaishnodevi Shrine Board can also be made through Cheques/Demand Draft. The instrument of payment is to be made in favour of "Chief Executive Officer, Shri Mata Vaishnodevi Shrine Board, Katra". The Cheques/ demand draft may be of any bank. Devotees are requested to provide full address detail alongwith Pincode, email id and Phone number(s) etc for despatching Donation Receipt.
Donation via Paytm App:
Devotees can now donate via Paytm App to Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board under "Devotion" segment and Donations to Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Charitable Society under "Donation" segment.
1. Login Paytm App ---> Recharge & Bill Payment ---> Other services ---> Devotion ---Donation to SMVDSB.
2. Login Paytm App ---> Recharge & Bill Payment ---> Other services ---> Donation ---Donation to SMVD Charitable Society.
Devotee can also deposit donations through RTGS/NEFT/IMPS etc. at our donation account:
Account name | - | Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board |
A/c No | - | 23441450000128 |
IFSC | - | HDFC0002344 |
Branch | - | HDFC, KATRA |
PAN No. | - | AAETS9822J |
Donations made through Cheques/Demand Drafts may be sent at any of the following addresses:
Chief Executive Officer | Chief Accounts Officer | Asstt. Manager (Donations) |
Central Office, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board, Katra, J&K, India | Central Office, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board, Katra, India | Central Office, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board, Katra, India |
01991-232075 | 01991-232334 | 01991-232167 |
donation_accounts@maavaishnodevi.net | amdonation@maavaishnodevi.net |
All the foreign/NRIs donors are requested to mentioned their e-mail ID and contact number while donating to Shrine Board to facilitate issuance of donation receipt.
Donations Online
For the convenience of devotees residing in India and abroad a system of receiving donations on line has also been started by Shrine Board. On line donations are accepted through our website.
Donations can also be made in kind Click Here for details
The Shrine Board has formulated a number of ways under which the donors can donate. . For details, click here
Interested in making Donation contributions towards the Shrine Register and donate here.